Autodefensas wikipedia

For my Wikipedia Article assignment I would like to build the Autodefensas page on Wikipedia into a real page or look at an existing (more specific) autodefensas page to revise. Currently the page is only a disambiguation page meaning it has no content beyond a definition of autodefensas and a list of links to pages on specific groups. I think it would be interesting to elaborate on what autodefensas groups are and to provide a short history of the formation of the groups in general as well as a brief overview of each of the groups listed on the disambiguation page. This page does not even have a true talk page because it is a disambiguation page however I believe it could be more than that. As far as reputable sources go, I would like to look at the book “Blood and Capital: The Paramilitarization of Colombia” which was published by the Ohio university press and seems reputable. I could also look at THE “SIXTH DIVISION” Military-paramilitary Ties and U.S. Policy in Colombia and this article on Historia del paramilitarismo en Colombia written by a Chilean history professor. If I also wanted to look at autodefensas groups in Mexico the page for that is lacking as well and more resources can be found through the Spanish news source El Pais and even in the movie “Cartel land”. I think that there is a lot of good information and that I could pick the page Autodefensas (general), or Grupos de Autodefensa Comunitaria which is actually an English page about autodefensas groups in Mexico that has several major problems.

3 thoughts on “Autodefensas wikipedia

  1. Maggie

    I clicked on the Wikipedia page for Autodefensas and wow you would be creating the page. Some suggestions for the page would be to explain why the groups formed. What do Autodefensas groups actually do? You mention talking about Mexico and Colombia specially in the page, but why those countries? Do these groups get along with each other? Is there any difference between an Autodefensa group and a gang, and if so, what makes them different? Why do people join this group? Is it a join or die situation, do they get paid well, or do people find it fun? Which countries have the most of these groups and why?

  2. Fish

    I feel this is a useful topic because it has a lot of opportunity to be expanded on. Also this could give some insight into the political affiliations of Latin american defense groups.


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