Noticia: Venezuela Again

U.S. Imposes Sanctions on 10 More Venezuelan Officials

Venezuela, in recent years, has experienced some serious economic downturns as well as political chaos. The country’s vulnerable economy, which mainly relies on the exports of the oil, has been greatly influenced by the decrease in the oil price. Despite the fact that the country is troubled by the economic issues, the irresponsible government is not taking their responsibility to protect their citizens’s well-bings, which even further deteriorates the situation in Venezuela. In addition, the policies that the president Maduro and his bureaucracy have made are not helping the situation, but generating more problems. The U.S has blamed the government for their inactions and call the president Maduro a dictator. In this article, U.S shows their stance towards the Venezuelan government by imposing the economic sanctions on more than ten Venezuelan officials.

In fact, the U.S has long been having issues with Venezuela. In 2002, the bilateral relation has hit the worst when the then Venezuelan president accused the U.S of supporting a failed coup attack against his presidency. In reaction to the U.S inlegitemate conduct, the country starts to form alliance with countries that are amity to the U.S and rejected the aid from the U.S-led help group when there are millions of people inside the country who cannot access to the basic life necessities.

Several days ago, the U,S president Trump has ordered the economic sanctions against serval Maduro’s bereau. The reason for the sanction upon those officials, from the U.S perspective, is because those people have violated the human rights, engagement in corruption, illegal interference in election and inhibition of freedom of speech. Five of them were charged of participating the regional election using clandestine methods, several of them were accused of aggressively controlling the news media and the vice president was designated as a narcotics trafficker who controlled the planes and drug routes and protected and facilitated other narcotics traffickers operating in the South American country.

In my opinion, this news is connected to the course theme because economic issues are negatively affecting Latin American countries. South America used to be the most vibrant economy in the world with its high-speed annual growth rate. However, countries like brazil, which was considered to be the strongest economy in South America diminished. Also, often times, the economic issues are often correlated with the corrupt governmental agencies. The president is not taking a spear role in reforming the economy and the bureau itself, but to stir the election, trying to seize its power. Therefore, establishing the responsible and competent government agencies are the most indispensable steps to address the issues like economic instability.


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