Noticias: Cable Car boom in Latin America

Cable cars are becoming a huge trend in Latin America due to the fact it has great benefits to the lower class as well as politicians. The cable cars benefits the lower class in part because of its affordability it only cost 7 pesos (37 cents) also the cable car is a more time efficient way to get around it takes a cable car 19 minutes to run the same route with the same stops as a bus which takes 80 minutes because of the areas mountainous geography which means the cable cars cause for a less stressful ride. On top of being time and financially efficient cable cars can transport a greater volume of people in a day in a single day Mexicable’s 185 cars transport 18,000 people. Also the cable cars are less likely to be stuck up and robbed compared to buses.

his new trend is helpful for the government as well because it challenges private owned bus companies and it only takes 18 months to erect the cable car lines also it is an affordable alternative to widening roadways for more buses. this means the governments of Latin America have an affordable and fast way too challenge the private owned buses that rule lower class commuting. on. top of being cost effective and time efficient, installation of cable car lines do not require the displacement of large amounts of people. in areas where cable cars are present in Latin America there is a trend of decreased crime and increased employment. By 2023 Mexico City plans to have 2 more lines up and running



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