Notícia: Social inequality becomes deadly in Mexico


In the article ‘The Social Contract Is Broken’: Inequality Becomes Deadly in Mexico, the author states out that the Mexican society is largely ruined and divided by the huge gap between the poor and rich, which then creates enormous violence against the citizens of the country. A study suggests that this year is said to be the most violent year of the Mexican history. However, despite the increasing violence rates in the country, for those who live in a more affluent area where the police department is more responsive and the crime rate is low, the violence does not bother them at all. One of the reasons for this scenario is that because of the state police is not trustworthy anymore, more and more advantaged families decide to hire their own armed force to protect their family. In addition, one study estimates that more than 70 percent of Mexican city’s policemen only works for those private interests, such as guarding the banks. For those who cannot afford to hire the protective service, in response to the increasing violence in the country, most of them would form the militia to guard their interests because of the lack of the faith in the police force. 

The increasing crime rate in the Latin American countries is so serious that most outsiders, including me, to feel the seriousness of the problem there. It is undeniable that there are some parts of the countries that are so well-preserved, away from the crime and relatively safe, but, I still feel an urgency not to step in those countries. This is one of the biggest encounters that Latin America is facing right now. The economic inequality is the main driving force for the social chaos, there is more to be done from the government to address these domestic social issues.

Not only Mexican people are facing the serious economic equality issues, but also the whole Latin America. It is said that the bigger the difference between the rich and poor in one area, it is more often for the individuals, militia and gangsters to commit crimes. That is to say, the social inequality is the driving force for the serious crimes and probably this could shed a light on the government forces to combat the drug-related crimes and women discrimination issues.

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